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Scuba Steve's Pro Dive

Professional Dive Services

Visual Inspections

Inspections of anchors, seaplane, chains, swivel connectors, seawaalls, KN buoys, floating warfs, docks, intake screens and anything else underwater.

Video Inspections

Investigations of marine or automobile accidents underwater.

Marine Investigations
Underwater Salvage

Recovery of boats, cars or anything else that is underwater. We have lift bags and cranes for these purposes.

Anything that requires inspection, can be also done as a video inspection.

Intake Pipe Repair

We can repair any size pipe or install a complete pipeline to a pump station.

Lake Intake Screen

We will install or repair your lake intake screen. Having your screen cleaned at least twice a year can significantly increase the life of your pump, saving you thousands of dollars.

© 2016 Scuba Steve's Pro Dive.

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